Thursday 1 November 2012

Why Swollen Stomach Causes Unnecessary Pain

Abdominal bloating or swollen stomach is a very common digestive complaint that many people have. The most common reason that causes bloating is too much gas.

All of us experience gas because it’s a natural by-product of the digestive system. We often get it by breathing in oxygen through the mouth or nose and we expel this air by burbing.

 The other gas is caused by the intestinal bacteria that break down the food we eat. This gas is expelled through the anus.

The gas contained in our stomachs can be a mixture of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. These gases or odourless, however bacteria can also produce methane which produces a strong sulphur unpleasant smell.

Gas is a sign that food is not being digested properly. Undigested food will eventually begin to ferment and rot as it slowly moves through the large intestines.

The fermentation of undigested food matter creates a build up of gases as bacteria have to work very hard to try and break it down. Undigested food in the gut is often caused by a combination of food not being chewed properly or a lack of digestive enzymes.

You’re Chewing Habits

Most people think their digestion of food begins in the stomach and that’s why they give little thought to chewing their food properly.

The fact is, digestion begins in the mouth. The mouth contains glands that secrete enzymes into the saliva as you begin to chew your food. These enzymes begin the process of breaking down carbohydrates in preparation for the final digestion in the lower digestive tract.

Unfortunately, very few people chew their foods thoroughly. Busy lifestyles means that people rush their meals or eat when they are stressed out. These eating habits only lead to poor digestion and over time results in indigestion and swollen stomach caused by bloating and gas.

Chewing your food thoroughly requires that you chew at least 30 to 50 times until the food has reached a paste-like consistency and then you swallow. If more people followed this simple rule many of the digestive disorders that afflict people in the western world would decrease dramatically.

A Lack Of Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are a vital component of a healthy digestive system. Without them  you would not be able to digest and absorb nutrients or would you be able to function effectively.

Unfortunately, the body’s ability to produce these essential digestive enzymes declines as we get older. A lack of enzymes eventually leads to a compromised digestive system. Undigested food slows down the digestive system causing the build up of gas, constipation and diarrhea.

A lack of enzymes can also mean malabsorption where the body is not able to absorb enough nutrients from your diet. Over time this can weaken the immune system and increase the rate of aging.

To overcome this problem you can either take digestive enzyme supplements or eat more fresh fruits and raw vegetables as these contain a rich source of natural enzymes that will aid your digestion.

Other Causes

In addition, to gas there are other causes of swollen stomach. These can be chronic inflammatory diseases such as Celiac Disease or common disorders such as IBS or even food intolerances.

Photo courtesy of SuperFantastic

Sunday 22 July 2012

What To Do When Your Constipated

Constipation is becoming the curse of modern society. More people than ever dread going to the toilet because all it involves is a lot of pushing and straining with very little to show for it.

However, for such a common digestive problem, constipation is rarely discussed. This can often be societies own hang ups about discussing our stools and bowels movements.

Diets Have Become More Unhealthy

So why is this happening? There can be several reasons but the most common is to do with the type of food we’re eating. The western diet has changed considerably over the last 30 years. In that time the food we eat has become more processed and refined.

Processed foods contain high levels of fat, salt, refined flour, sugar, chemical additives and flavour enhancers. This may make our foods more convenient and attractive to eat, but it’s putting our health at risk.

The fact is, manufactured foods are low in nutrition and fiber. These two components are important for a healthy digestive system. For example, fiber is very important for stimulating your bowel movements.

However, fiber has all but disappeared from the modern diet. The modern processed diet is having the adverse effect of clogging up our system.

In contrast, the native people of the central Africa plains rarely suffer the digestive problems that are so common in the West.

Conditions such as irritable bowel system, colitis, Crohns disease and constipation are unheard of. Due to their high fiber diet African native people have regular bowel movements and soft stools.

It’s estimated that the average bowel movement for people living in the United States and the UK is once every 4 days.  This would be considered a chronic condition.

The truth is, with a normal healthy digestive system you should be having a bowel movement at least once every day.

What Can You Do To Change

The first step is to look at your diet. Are you eating enough fiber?
There are two types of fiber that you should be aware of - insoluble and soluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber is absorbed by water in the colon turning it into a viscous substance. This acts like a lubricant enabling the stool to move through the intestinal canal at a faster and easier rate.

Soluble fiber also helps to keep moisture inside the stool. A major cause of constipation is hard and dry stools that are painful and very slow to pass.

In addition, soluble fiber is also known to reduce cholesterol and help to regulate high blood pressure levels.

Insoluble fiber is a different story. This type of fiber remains intact as it goes through your digestive system.

As it reaches the colon it absorbs water and this increases its bulk. The increased size of the stool stimulates the nerves along the surface of colon that push the stool along. Also, insoluble fiber, like a brush cleans your colon of bacteria, toxins and dead cells.

The best sources of soluble and insoluble fiber are fresh fruit and raw vegetables. Wholegrain bread and breakfast cereal can also provide you with a good source of fiber.

Unfortunately, many of the modern breakfast cereals are so full of sugar it would be healthier to eat the cardboard packaging they came in. Therefore, always check the label before you buy.

Let’s face it, a bowl full of bran is not the most appetising food to face in the morning, however you can jazz it up with bananas and strawberries.

Try to avoid over the counter laxatives and stool softeners if you can as they can cause side effects. These are only a short term fix, they don’t address the cause and they can make your constipation worse if you become dependent on them.

The best laxatives for constipation are whole natural foods containing both insoluble and soluble fiber. 

However, it’s important to emphasize that you should drink more water when increasing you intake of fiber, as dehydration is another primary cause of constipation. 

Another alternative would be to take acidophilus supplements as they can help to improve your digestive health by introducing more healthy bacteria into your gut.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Probiotics Versus Prebiotics

Although their names may look and sound the same, prebiotics and probiotics are quite different.

However, they do have one thing in common, and that is promoting a healthy digestive system.

What Are Probiotics? 

Probiotics are microorganisms or friendly bacteria that live in your lower digestive tract. These bacteria are essential to a balanced and therefore, healthy digestive system.

As well as our own probiotics there are also manmade probiotics that are derived from fermented foods such as yogurt and pickled vegetables.

What Are Prebiotics?

Prebiotics are a special form of soluble fibers that occur naturally in fruits and raw vegetables. Prebiotics play a vital role in supporting probiotics and restoring a healthy balance to your digestive system.

Why Probiotics Can’t Do Without Prebiotics

Whether it’s the intestinal flora in your gut or the probiotics in your yogurt or supplements, probiotics are non-supporting. This means they can’t survive for too long on their own.

Without prebiotics the good bacteria that live in your gut would soon be overrun by harmful bacteria and yeast infections. Without prebiotics the vast majority of probiotics in your bio-live yogurt or supplement would not survive the journey to your lower intestines.

The fact is, prebiotics provide the fertiliser or fuel that enable probiotics to carry on their essential job of keeping your digestive system healthy and balanced.

In addition to strengthening your existing probiotics, prebiotics create the perfect intestinal environment for your probiotics to grow and thrive. This is achieved when prebiotics begin to ferment in your small intestines and colon.

Fermentation creates a by product called lactic acid and it’s this acid that prevents or stops harmful bacteria from taking hold in your intestinal tract. It’s also the same lactic acid that prevents foods from going bad or becoming spoiled.

Which Is Should You Take One Or The Other

If your digestive system is unbalanced, as most people’s are, then taking probiotics and prebiotics can help you. Probiotics are a good way to replenish the bacteria you’ve lost.

Consider taking probiotics with prebiotics as the latter will ensure more bacteria survive the journey to your gut.

Use probiotics as a short term solution to restoring your digestive system. Once your beneficial bacteria have been replenished then you don’t need to keep topping them up if your already using prebiotics.

Prebiotics should be considered as a long term solution to your digestive health, so they should be consumed daily as a part of your healthy diet.

The best sources of prebiotics are found in fruits and raw vegetables.
Here are a examples of prebiotic rich foods;

  •  Raw asparagus
  •   Jerusalem artichoke
  •  Kiwifruit
  • Bananas
  • Raw leeks
  • Raw garlic
  • Raw onions
  • Chicory root
  • Dandelion greens

I understand that fresh raw foods aren’t always available, that’s why a natural prebiotic supplement called Kiwi-Klenz is an amazing alternative. To discover why, simply - click here.